How to Adjust the Sink Stopper in Your Drain Plumbing

Jul 13, 2022

IMG_9554The bathroom sink plug is a convenient gadget that allows you to fill the sink with water to help shave or wash your face. However, like most household systems, the plug is not perfect, and over time it may become abnormal, causing the sink to drain rather than hold water for you. Fortunately, the sink plug is the perfect choice for small DIY drainage pipes. With the right tools and some expertise, you can immediately make your plug seal the drain pipe again.

Why does a good plug go bad

Most plugs fail for two reasons - either misaligned or blocked by hair and mucus. You can solve these two problems in the same repair. Most importantly, you don't need to buy a new kit. For most sink settings, all you need to solve the plug problem is an adjustable pliers and a cleaning brush.

All you have to do is crawl under the sink and look for the nut protruding from the back of the drainage pipe. A rod protrudes from the nut and is connected to a rod leading to the faucet handle. Loosen the nut with pliers and take the rod out of the pipe so that you can pull the plug completely out of the sink.

Cleaning and adjustment

This is your chance to remove the mucus and hair accumulated on the plug for many years. Scrub thoroughly with a brush. This alone is sufficient to solve the problem and allow the plug to move up and down normally while providing a tight seal. When you open the drain pipe, you should also use a brush to remove the mucus and biofilm inside the drain pipe.

Then, when you put the plug back, you just need to adjust it according to your preferences. Put the plug back into the drain pipe, and then put the rod through the pipe and the hole at the bottom of the plug. Then, you can manually release the lever from the flat strip leading to the faucet handle and reconnect it to the position where the plug is pulled down to form a tight seal in the drain pipe. Finally, when everything is in the place you want, tighten the nut.

finishing touches 

Everything here belongs to it. Move the handle on the faucet up and down to ensure that the plug meets your preferences. If not, please adjust again. Pour some water into the sink and look below to make sure that you tighten the nuts correctly and that there is no leakage.

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