How to Prevent Mold Growth in Your Bathroom

Jul 27, 2022

IMG_8715No doubt - mold is disgusting, not what you want to find at home.

However, some parts of your house are more prone to mold. Just like your bathroom.

Is there a mold problem at home? We are explaining why your bathroom will continue to be moldy, whether this poses a danger to your family, and how to clean it and improve indoor air quality.

Why is my bathroom always moldy?

One word: water. Because the bathroom is where you bathe, wash your hands and flush the toilet, it is the most water consuming part of the house.

Mold begins with mold, which forms when the surface gets wet and dirty and you don't wipe or clean them. Eventually, mold becomes mold.

Mold grows in a humid environment, which means your bathroom is a perfect breeding ground for it. If your family takes hot baths many times a day, it will become damp, and mold and mold may begin to grow. Especially if you keep the bathroom door closed while taking a shower and capturing indoor humidity.

Joint sealants that start to break are another common culprit. When this happens, the warm and humid air from the shower will seep through the cracks, and the mold will begin to fester.

Water leaks or blocked drains may also create space for mold growth.

Is mold dangerous in the bathroom?

In most cases, indoor mold is just an eyesore. But if you have allergies or asthma, or are sensitive to mold, it may irritate and cause cough, sore throat and runny nose. According to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, people with impaired immune systems and people with chronic lung disease are also prone to infection of the lungs due to mold.

You must also pay special attention to black mold, which is often called toxic mold. This mold produces mycotoxins, a toxic substance produced by fungi. This mold exposure may cause health problems for you and your family, including:

Breathing problems, such as coughing and sneezing, and more serious problems, such as pneumonia


Immune system problems

Sinus problems


Due to its black and muddy appearance, black mold is easy to be found.

How to remove mold in the bathroom?

You can take some measures to remove mold in the bathroom, including some DIY remedial measures.

Pick up a spray bottle and mix a portion of hydrogen peroxide with a portion of water. Or fill the bottle with water and add a tablespoon of baking soda. Spray it on the area with a mold and let it stand for 5 to 10 minutes. Scrub with a sponge and then rinse. Then add white vinegar to the surface and let it dry.

You can also get products specially designed for commercial mold removal, including antifungal spray and bleach spray. Use antifungal spray in areas with molds, and then scrub with a sponge. Follow the instructions on the bottle to determine how long the spray should be kept before scrubbing.

Then, spray the area with bleach spray, place it according to the instructions on the bottle, and then wipe it off. Then, you can cover the affected area with vinegar.

When using any commercial grade detergent, don't forget to open the window and wear a mask and rubber gloves.

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